What’s brewing? Rich and aromatic Colombian coffee


The rich aroma of coffee is enough to charge you up in the morning. While sipping your coffee, do you ever think about its origin and type?

Today, let’s talk about Colombian coffee and factors that give it an exclusive status.

Superior taste and aroma comes to mind with the mere mention of Colombian coffee. Colombia holds a prominent spot when it comes to coffee farming. Perfect growing conditions and unique varieties of beans produced in the region ensure that the world gets the best coffee. It is super smooth on the palate.

Colombia, the South American country is known as the top producer of high-quality Arabica beans in its ideal growing climate that offers the perfect moisture levels. Combined with this climatic condition, the traditional processing methods used by local farmers for generations ensure perfectly crafted coffee.  

Coffee production in Colombia: It’s a cultural activity

Columbian farmers and their families have dedicated years growing and producing the high-quality beans, making coffee the country’s identity. Small town farmers still follow the traditional practices of harvesting and processing, securing culture to produce unique Arabica Coffee beans.

3 reasons that make Colombian coffee distinct:

Perfect climatic conditions

Columbia has the ideal condition for growing coffee – from perfect soil to balanced rainfall and sunlight. Of course, the temperature is excellent in the region.

The production

Each and every bean is picked by hand! That’s amazing.

This cherry-picking by human hands is to differentiate between unripe, overripe and green coffee beans. Only ready to be harvested beans are picked for further processing.

Authentic Arabica beans

Two main varieties of beans are: Arabica and Robusta beans. There are many in-between varieties too. Arabica is the most pleasing between the two main. Columbia is the only country to produce 100% authentic Arabica beans.

Craving for authentic Colombian coffee? Get the Madis Coffee Roasters experience. Enjoy fresh brews at the Coffee Shop or order the best coffee to create your own brew.


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